Asterios Polyp

  This was an interesting graphic novel was very interesting and very visually nice to read. The story reminds me if it was a movie you'd be like "what in the world am I watching", but still continue to watch it after a while. The illustrations of this graphic novel are so beautiful and they're really well done that you can really understand what’s happening. One page with one drawing has such a powerful meaning to it even if they don't say anything.

  The story itself is very nice and you really understand it as well. It was kind of weird in the beginning and at times I’d catch myself wondering what I’m reading and why I’m reading it. Once I got into the groove of it I started to kind of better understand the story. It’s also kind of sad once you start getting into it, because this person talks about losing his twin and that they feel like something’s missing and as if they’re living their life except their own. It’s quite chilling if you kind of think of it because nobody wants to feel empty and especially not like their own sadness isn’t their own.  


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